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spx no use in two years tune up?

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New Member
hello i just got my first ski its a 96 seadoo spx the owner said it was last used two years ago it turns on but what should i do to it before taking it out to lake tune up etc? thanks
Things you could do are change pump oil, lubricate driveshaft at splines, check for grey fuel lines and if you got them change them out, clean carbs(remove them to clean the internals), change spark plugs or fill her up with fuel and give her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hurray:
if it has been sitting for 2 years unused with gas in it, then you need to drain the gas tank clean it clean the lines and clean the carb(s). Pop in a new set of spark plugs, depending if it is premix or oil injected, if it has an oil tank I would drain that as well and add new oil. Change the pump oil.

Do just as custom said... but im gunna add one more thing, might wanna clean fuel selector as well.. tends to get "gummed" up from sittin'
the best directions for the pump removal and changing the oil are in the manual, you can download one here if you join as a premium member.
the took off my fuel filter and it looks fine and also the oil filter looks like the orig one should i replace it ?
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