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Water in engine compartment at high speeds


Active Member
I have a 2006 Sportster and when I run it at half speed or less for hours I have no water in the engine compartment. However, when I run mostly at half speed but go all the way open for periods of 5 minutes, maybe doing this for two or three times in an hour and I will have at least 8 gallons of water in the engine area. I am tempted to have my wife run it while I open the engine hatch after having removed the shelf and try and see where the water is coming in. But I am afraid the engine hatch might be damaged by the wind force. I am hoping someone in the forum will have the answer. Thanks
No, I have not tried that, but that is a good idea. I will try it this week. I was hoping that someone might have known the problem and could clue me in, but thanks for your help. I will see what I will see!
Check all your hoses and hose clamps from the jet pump to the exhaust, and all your exhaust cooling hoses and clamps. Make sure clamps haven’t rusted and are breaking loose. Seems like when under pressure and acceleration, you have an exhaust cooling leak? Just an idea… had it happen on a standard Seadoo twice. A significant exhaust cooling leak would likely trigger an overheat indicator, but a small leak may not.
Check all your hoses and hose clamps from the jet pump to the exhaust, and all your exhaust cooling hoses and clamps. Make sure clamps haven’t rusted and are breaking loose. Seems like when under pressure and acceleration, you have an exhaust cooling leak? Just an idea… had it happen on a standard Seadoo twice. A significant exhaust cooling leak would likely trigger an overheat indicator, but a small leak may not.
Yes, Milehighguy I did have an overheat indicator come on twice when I was running at full speed. It stayed on until I turned off the engine and started it back up. And, the bay was full of water. Thanks, I will do that clamp check right away, and thanks again.
Ahhh… if you have an exhaust temp overheat indicator, you very likely have a hose clamp that has failed, and the hose may have fallen off completely. I have never seen a hose break, just hose clamps break, on a standard Seadoo. So twist and turn all your clamps, make sure they are tight, and exhaust hoses still connected right at the jet pump inside the hull.