Seadoo HX - stability option for teaching kids?

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I was wondering if there was an easy inexpensive option to get more stability for boarding an HX for teaching my kids?
Nope. They made a rear foam float at one time but good luck finding one. The HX isn’t easy.
When my daughter was 8,,,we would bring the ski into water that was over her head,,,and let her practice getting on..,until she could do it,,,then,,and only then,,,did we let her drive it,.and of course now you have to be 16,,,but the rules still apply…
And it goes without saying,,,trying to get on while you have a life jacket on,and boots,,,,,in deep water is nearly impossible,,on an hx…
these lessons were for a non hx’s,,,
From racing for many many years,,,I learned how to turn the bars the opposite way,,,hit the throttle,,,and have it pull me on,,,you better have good abs. ,for this,,,to pull up and get on…..
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I was wondering if there was an easy inexpensive option to get more stability for boarding an HX for teaching my kids?
I bought 2 HX's in 1995. Told my 8 year old son he could ride it if he could get on it. We still do rear boarding like a tight rope walker... the side start is actually my second favorite way, but he learned quickly since he was so lite at age 8. That was before the age limit requirements. I still ride my HX amd board from the rear no problem. I am 6'2", 175bs. So my weight helps. I LOVE this ski and will ride it forever, I could care less about going real fast, the carving and jumping are unreal. I also LOVE that very few can board this ski. They ask if they can ride and I shove it out from the dock and say: 'Sure... if you csn get on it... " Almost no one gets to ride. Haha, fine with me!
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