SOLD Seadoo Alignment Tool


Seadoo Alignment Tool. Used once. SBT style with the long alignment shaft. 175 plus shipping.


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Would you mind posting pictures of the pieces that come with the tool? I may be interested, where approximately are you located
Would you happen to have a sku number from when you purchased it? Which machine did you buy it for? Just trying to figure if it’s the one I need.
Ok, Would you mind checking on shipping prices for me? I will private message you my 2 addresses. I have mine in Ontario and a unit in Ogdensburgh New York. I’m thinking it would be easier for the Ogdensburgh address
I had a look at the pictures, looks like all the parts are there. Would you let it go for 225.00 shipped? Also wondering if you would be ok if I e transferred 150.00 now and 75.00 after I received it? I’ve creeped your profile and see you have been on since June 2021 and have a fair amount of posts but I still get a little concerned although I’m feeling pretty good that your legit. I promise I’m a man of my word lol, 47, married, 3 kids, own business.