Scored another ride!!!!

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Had a guy down the street say he had an old DOO sitting in the trees that a friend left in the yard a long time ago. He said it didn't run and I could have it for free.

It's the same 94 XP I ride every day. All the parts are there, the pump and motor spin freely by hand. This machine is actually in better shape than my other 94 was when I picked it up. As long as the mpem is good and the crank isn't damaged then it will run again. 20210808_105729.jpg20210808_111707.jpg20210808_112159.jpg
Cleaned out the foot wells and found..... A hitch?????

Never seen one on a ski. I remember, back in the day, there was a water trailer. This one must have been set up for it. It's definitely stainless and designed for a pwc.
This isn't going to be a quick rebuild. I still have my regular 94 in the garage, motor apart, waiting on the rebuilt crank and I just got my 98 xp water problem figured out last night. We are on the slide to winter right now. I'm going to pressure was it, scrub it down and at least make it look better.
It was called the Hydro Trailer. That bracket you have is one of the harder pieces to find but the trailers come up on craigslist every now and then so don't throw the ski mount away.

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