How long does it take to get a title from TPWD?


Well-Known Member
I registered and paid taxes and fees on my seadoo on Feb 12, and have still not received the title. all i have at the moment is the proof of registration card that they gave me, that is supposed to stay in/with the ski.

i'm sure more than one of you here have registered a boat in texas, how long did it take to get the title?

i'm also going to be trying to register the trailer, but am waiting on the bill of sale from the previous previous owner, as my cousin never bothered to register the trailer to himself. the tags expired in 08 and i have a bit of a drive to the nearest lake so i'd like to get the thing legal ASAP. i don't expect that the guy will get me his last registration receipt, how much hassle am i going to get at the tax office with just the bill of sale from previous registered owner?
well, title showed up yesterday in the mail, almost exactly a month after i was at the TPWD office. still waiting for the BOS for the trailer to show up.
Went with the easy way at least for now until I can try to file paperwork to get proper reg done, hit a wall when i found out the PO just went the home built route in 04 when he purchased from original owner.
I registered my trailer as a home-built. Sad to say, but it was way too much work to do it the correct way (title bond, wait, etc...). It's rediculous how easy it was to register tthe trailer as a homebuilt. Didn't even have topay tax.
Yeah it's got current tags on it now so no issues. Taken it out to lake Travis a couple weekends camping and a few times out at lake Houston. Still working the last few kinks out but would love to get together with some other folks for some riding.