Hard to Steer under Full Power, 2015 GSX Limited 260 iS

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Hello everyone,

So my GSX Limited is very hard to steer under full power, or any kind of high speed really. This isn't a cable or linkage issue, it's perfectly fine at low speeds or on the trailer, turns freely and normal. It's just hard to steer when going fast, physically hard turn the bars as well as actually getting her to turn. To the point where I don't want my wife riding it. Is this normal for this ski? I have about 7 skis and never had this issue, so it's not me or inexperience. I've even lowered the suspension all the way down to see if that made a difference. Idk, I'm very confused, makes the ride very unpleasant when everything else I absolutely love, it's very very comfortable and just an awesome ski, just doesn't want to turn. Any suggestions or thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.
Check for wear in the attachment points of the venturi or nozzle. If they become rounded out or they are not properly tightened, it allows the metal to rub when under pressure. It will move just find when there is no flow but pay attention to how it behaves by putting the same force on it as acted by the water flow. Many times if it is bad enough, you will see physical marking where it is rubbing.
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