DUDE !!!!

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I've been working on a 1996 XP restoration which has its own thread. I fine tune small items after it gets on the water so it will achieve top performance. This one had weird issues that I resolved. It was very interesting. After my last.... "Oh, wow I found some cool stuff that would definitely affect performance !!! It''s gonna be great now !!" episodes... I mean, I even got the fuel gauge working. It was cherry and ready. This is gonna be good.... Here goes.

Took the ski out ran great. Wide open throttle 55 sometimes 56mph..... speed dropped off wouldn't take the fuel on top end but i could ride and have fun on the ski. 45mph... no issues.. Didn't kill if I backed off the throttle. Plugs.... brown... not lean. Rebuild another set of carbs (old carbs had some issues). Same problem. Fed system from the reserve line on the fuel baffle direct to carb, same problem. Replaced the ignition coil, same problem. Went through the rave valves as well. :) Ski would quit in the same place after running Wide open throttle for about 1/2 mile. I mean within 50 yards. I checked and checked and checked. Even wondered if something electrical was breaking down.

I was planning on running an alternate fuel source when I thought I might have pinched the fuel tubes on the baffle by tightening the hoses too much. So I pulled the baffle and the tubes were not restricted very much. So..... I looked at the baffle I installed. It had been repaired and did not have a bottom screen. Being handy with such things i confiscated my wife's coffee filter for the screen and melted it on the bottom of the baffle. So now we're getting somewhere. It took a bit for the baffle to drain the fuel out and it keep dripping. Hmmmmm.... I decided to pour some fuel through the screen and into the baffle (upside down). Hmmmm..... that didn't go as expected. Hmmmm.... REVELATION time.

So...... that's why the fuel gauge would read "FULL" full then the red light would come on showing "LOW Fuel". The baffle was not refilling fast enough for the fuel used at high power settings. It was getting drained. The information was right there. LOL.... I thought this was worth reposting.

I'm pretty anal and will NOT go filter-less on a system and this is the result. I did try to find a proper filter screen and went to a few local hardware stores and even a repair shop. I'd just get a dumb look. :) At present I am working on the proper Micron screen material so I can put the right stuff on there. The baffle is actually a pre-filter so the microns can be a bit larger. at present I"m looking at between 10 and 30 micron stainless mesh.

In my defense, the specific gravity of water and fuel are different so I figured if the coffee filter would allow WATER though that fuel would not be a problem. :D:D I like it when I outsmart myself. Ick !!

No test ride yet but now I can try to get that 57mph out of it. I hit 56. :)

Touchdowns Everyone. LOL
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Note to oneself, in an effort to save money, don't use the wife's coffee filter as a substitute on the fuel baffle.
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This was an interesting and entertaining read. I fear that in the near future we will all be sharing ideas and experiences like this as parts for our older skis become harder and harder to find. First will come (and it has already started) sharing experience with certain aftermarket makers. Hopefully makuni will keep producing our carbs and kits.
I'd say mikuni will continue to produce carb rebuild kits for a while as these carbs are on a myriad of different recreational vehicles
So... How hard could it be to retrofit one of those socks like they use on an in-tank electric fuel pump? You'd have to fab up an adaptor of some kind for the end of the pickup.
Really the proper micron stainless steel screen is the easiest method. I just used my soldering gun to melt it onto the bottom of the baffle. The bottom piece was missing anyway. The only issue was really that the screen from the coffee filter was too tight. That ski had the cleanest fuel it ever had. LOL
OK OK... took the XP out for another test ride. Then again every ride is a test ride, I'm always looking and listening, feeling, and monitoring. :) 4 minute warm up and pre ride checks, look under the seat etc... Rode out and held 40mph for a couple of minutes and let the engine get comfortable, monitored the fuel gauge level since apparently the baffle was not feeding enough fuel at higher RPM. Brought the ski up to 45mph the turned around. Hammer down and it held top speed, couldn't hardly see the fuel level with all the hanging on commotion. No even a blip in the speed. Result on the cell phone GPS...... YUP !!!! 57MPH. I call that a wrap. I'm still gonna do some tweaking but this ski is DONE !!
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