Do bean bags float? (seat alternatives)

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I removed all the nasty upholstery from my 97 Challenger 1800. Torn, faded, sunburned etc, etc. Original plan was to get an upholstery kit.

How about alternative cushions or bean bags instead of the triple seats in the back? Straight bench seat? Inflatable cushions? hydro turf on the platform or bow covers? Futons?

Might be easier to store out of the elements, cheaper and quicker to replace.

Since my helm seat was stripped to the rotomold plastic, I sat on a beach ball yesterday and it was pretty functional, giving a higher perch than the OEM cushions.
I enjoy Lake St. Clair which is a pretty large lake (pretty much not recommended for a 14' boat), so it can get choppy crossing over into the bays and channels. Anything loose like unsecured seats would certainly buck out of the boat, combo of being thrown up then the wind pulling it out. You should consider wearing the safety lanyard attached to your wrist, if you hit a wave I can imagine the beach ball launching you out of the boat.
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