Challenger 180 cavitation issue

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First day vacationing in the obx and got sand/small rocks in my intake, now getting intermittent cavitation with revs going up to 8k. Thinking it needs a new prop and wear ring, would love any input, please see pics of impeller and let me know what you think. Thanks!


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It's hard to tell from the photos but it looks like the gap is uneven around the impeller, possibly a bent impeller? Also the chip edges can cause an issue, it could be a combination of the wearing and impeller damage. Rocks are no good! It almost the wear rings has corrosion underneath it and has swollen in a few places? Just some thoughts.
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Thanks for the reply....i did get the boat back in the water and running pretty nicely, but the acceleration out of the hole is not what it used to be, i think i will change the wear ring and impeller to upgraded solas
One more cavitation was occuring with the boat at occupancy, does weight/load have an impact?
Yes you definitely need a prop and wear ring. Looking at your pic and I see a lot of daylight between the blades and wear ring. I never start my engine or run in less than at least 3ft of water. I've learned the hard way over the years..... Good Luck
Yes the prop is pretty ragged - especially at the 7 o'clock position in the pic. Prop and wear ring change for starters. The more weight your are pulling the more cavitation on start up. I find mine has more cavitation upon acceleration than when new, but once up on plain it performs well.
I have run mine into sand a couple of times with no damage - rocks are another story - got to watch that depth gage if you have one.
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