Challenger 180 2007 about to try and start for the first time in 5 years

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New Member
Any suggestions on what to do or not to do before I attempt to start this 180 challenger 215 Rotax.?
any help would be great thanks
I would replace oil, oil filter, coolant, gas, spark plugs, and make sure battery is good. Supercharger will have to be inspected as well at some point, but as long as you aren't running it full throttle on the water, it should be ok. Make sure you start with hose NOT going and turn it one once you get the motor running if you are on land. Shut off water before you shut off engine. If you can get someone to pull codes with Candoo or BUDS before you start, that may be helpful as well, but not vital. That is all I can think of. I am sure the smarter members will chime in with more specifics that I have overlooked.
I would replace oil, oil filter, coolant, gas, spark plugs, and make sure battery is good. Supercharger will have to be inspected as well at some point, but as long as you aren't running it full throttle on the water, it should be ok. Make sure you start with hose NOT going and turn it one once you get the motor running if you are on land. Shut off water before you shut off engine. If you can get someone to pull codes with Candoo or BUDS before you start, that may be helpful as well, but not vital. That is all I can think of. I am sure the smarter members will chime in with more specifics that I have overlooked.
Much appreciated !
Oh oh ran the hose water for awhile thinking
it might flush out the system is that a bad thing?
I’ll need to get a manual for the specs
If you run hose without engine running it can hydrolock your engine as it can flow backwards through the system. The manual is your friend and I highly recommend getting both the user and the shop manual as most places don't want to touch these old boats anymore. If you get the upgraded membership on this site you have access to a bunch of different manuals.
I have an 07 Seadoo Challenger 180. After it sat for several years, I had a mechanic basically do a tune up on it. Changed the oil and spark plugs etc. it ran on a hose no problem. I asked him to run it in the water but he brushed it off saying I’ll find out if there are any issues when I’m drive it.

so I brought it to water and drove about 100 meters. All of the sudden the temp warning starts. I immediately shut the engine down and it is hot as hell. Starting smoking too. I then let it sit for a few years more after that.

Recently brought her to a mechanic. Turns out something blew off of the motor, pretty sure the thermostat. And that’s why it burned up. Needed a new engine. Currently getting it going again.

That being said, I would look over every inch of that boat otherwise it might cost you big.

Good luck
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