2008 Speedster 200 430 - Solas Impellers Installed

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New Member
Just wanted to make a quick post about the results of installing Solas impellers in a 2008 Speedster 200 430. I was having problems with cavitation and over revving when, from idle, moving to full throttle would cause the engines to over rev for a second before they would "catch". Also causing me to have to pull back on the throttle a bit until it cathes to manage the problem. Also, skiers would complain about my ability to pull them out of the water fast enough due to the engines over revving with 6 people on the boat.

So I went the route of installing these impellers. I purchased two solas impellers on amazon for 200 each and had them installed for 225 for a grand total of 625. Link to the impellers below;


I have yet to pull a skier but I can say it did help with cavitation and over revving with a decent increase to acceleration. It didn't completely fix the problem but I did spend less time having to quickly cut throttle to manage over rev and I didn't have to worry as much about the engines blowing up. :)

Top speed wasn't impacted much. With two people and a full tank of gas she topped out at 60.

Bottom-line, was it worth it? If you had the same problems I had, then yes.
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