Need your help people!!!

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New Member
I am new here, tried to post in the main section of the forum, but the site does not let me do that.

I live in Latvia, and we have a very small amount of people driving seadoos here, so no one to ask help for. Also the dealer is shite, all he does is steals money.

Anyway, the season is starting now, and I have just come back from the dealer trying to repair my seadoo rxp-x 260 2013. The problem is a loose steering.
Last summer this issue arose, when I was driving it about 40-50 km/h the wheel plays around for 7-10 degrees, and the nosel does not turn, so if I go faster, it is very hard to control the pwc in the straight line and turn. I have tried to see what the problem might be ans as far as I went, was the steering column of the steering wheel and the steering cable that goes alongside the PWC body. I have not found any bolt that would tighten the actual cable so that the looseness would go away.

So I have decided to leave that aside for winter and enjoy my quad and snow mobile but here is summer again, and I have decided to go to the dealer in Riga. He did not help me, and he said was that the only way to try to "make it better" is to replace the whole steering cable, and I know that it is bullshit. Anyway, I know that there is some kind of an adjusting bolt somewhere on that cable which adjusts the tightness of the steering cable. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know where it is exactly and how can I get to there.

Hi and welcome to the SeaDoo forum.

I'm going to move this thread to the 4-tec PWC section, I think you will get more help there.

Since you have a 2013 model ski, it should still be under warranty, if the dealer wants to replace the steering cable, I would let him replace the cable, it's under warranty.

Welcome aboard,, I will move this post to the PWC 4-Tec forum for you.

You are going to need to open some things up. This could be as simple as a mounting clip that has come off or broke. If so, the cable move (flexes) before the inner cable actually does the work of steering the nozzle. I'm kind of guessing this is your issue due to the 7 to 10 degree swing you mentioned. Look at the easy things first. Look at the two ends where it mounts and make sure all is tight and connected properly and it moves when you move the steering bars. If both ends are all good, I'm thinking you will find it to be a retaining clip along the housing length somewhere..
Thanks all of you for help. I have recorded a short video of me demonstrating the steering. So anyway, please watch it, and let me know if this is really a loose steering or it is normal for the steering wheel to play like that.

This seadoo was bought from a polish dealer who is quite faaar away from here. So I decided to drive to the nearest one in Riga, and that one does not offer warranty, as I did not buy from him.

I have checked the side of the cable where it connects to the steering column, everything seems to be fine there. But I had difficulties getting to the cable from the other side, I am quite afraid of opening and taking apart the nozzle parts and other parts that are located there until I am sure that the issue is in there.

video -
Way too much, should be very little play. Include the year of your ski and hours. What level of a mechanic are you?? Steering cables get changed every once in a while. There is a large after market steering cables companies to buy from. When you are logged in, do a search on steering cables. There have been many posts on this and people recommending better after market cables.
your cable end support has come loose or broken, either at the front or the rear. the steering system is very simple, just a push/pull cable but needs to be mounted firmly at both ends. watch the cable housing(outer sheath that the cable itself runs in) at the front and at the rear. you will see it moving when the steering is turned at one of these sides and you need to be looking right at the mount point and grabbing and pulling on it to find the movement. the cable sheath should never move, just the cable inside.
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