XPS 5W-40 Full Synthetic and XPS 5W-40 Synthetic Blend Oil Compatibility


New Member
Just did an oil & filter change on my 2011 Seadoo GTi130. I had 2 x quarts of 5W-40 synthetic blend on hand so I put that in. I purchased a gallon of 5W-40 full synthetic without realizing it was full synthetic (color scheme of packaging was identical except for a slight variation in cap color) and added 2 x quarts of full synthetic.

Called Seadoo Help Desk to ask if full synthetic and synthetic blend are compatible; they told me to call my dealer. I called a local dealer and Service Dept told me the oils were not compatible.

I sucked out original batch of mixed oil then replaced with about 3.5 qts of full synthetic. So I have two questions;
1) What is the difference btwn full synthetic and synthetic blend that makes them incompatible?
2) Did I do enough to correct my original mistake or do I need to do another oil change or two or three...

Thanks in advance.
On supercharged, skis, full synthetic oil can cause problems with the supercharger it's too slippery.

Your ski isn't supercharged; mixing those two oils in the 130 engine won't be a problem.
When I bought oil a month ago my dealership told me that semi synthetic was no longer available and they only carry full synthetic. I wonder if other dealerships are telling their customers the same story?
I am pretty sure the new owner manuals for the new skis dropped the the blend requirement for supercharged skis. How that affects older skis with new supercharger rebuilds not sure. Maybe Jesse are supercharger expert might chime in.
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Screenshot 2024-08-20 at 06.55.40.pngPretty sure that's changed.Screenshot 2024-08-20 at 07.01.32.png2024 RXTX warm temperature recommended is full synthetic.
In both cases they have also removed the warnings about using a full synthetic with supercharger equipped engines. Although you are correct the General Purpose recommended oil is still a blend.
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The bottom line it to use the oil recommended for your ski (year & model) that's listed in your owner's or service manual. Parts change over the years as do oil formulations and additive packages.