Easy way!....
Your info pretty much hits the nail on the head...........accelerator pump. Wait a minute, I'll be right back.........
Look at this drawing.......
http://partsfinder.onlinemicrofiche.com/seadooforums/Seadoo_oem/Seadoo_PWC.asp?Type=13&A=81&B=17 The accelerator pump is #63. Now, look at line #79. This is the small rubber hose that delivers the fuel from the pump, which is only on your PTO (rear) carb. If you look at the drawing closely, you might be able to make out those brass, 90* elbows.
You can do this yourself and maybe without taking off the exhaust. I dont think your carbs need to be cleaned because you only need to feather past the position of the pump. Once it gives you that burst of fuel, vacuum in the manifold pulls the gas from your main jet and takes over. So........
So, what you can try and do is identify that hose coming from the pump to your carbs. Use a mirror (I steal my wife's make-up compact) and flashlight so that you can get an angle view up into the carb area. The line will run up under the bottom. You will have to take off the air box (allen head bolts) and flame arrestor to see anything. Once you do this, you'll see this is really simple.
You need to check to make sure the clamps didn't rust away on you. If so, you may be sucking air. Use small electrical tie wraps to secure them. You don't need to take off the carb, just try to get the lines off and try to spray some carb cleaner through them. This is only the line coming from the pump to the carbs. Don't try to take the fuel line to the pump off. Just the line to the carb. If you can do this and you spray a lot of this carb cleaner through the lines, take out your spark plugs and roll the engine over a bit to blow it out. It doesn't have any oiling capabilities and has a low flash point, so it will act like starter fluid and ignite hard in the combustion chamber.
This job is really easy. The hardest part is getting to it. With our economy being what it is, I wouldn't doubt the stealershop gettin you in, then charging you like you said. If you read my threads on this subject, you'll see I am very pessimistic. I don't trust these guys. Though, I have had a few members find a good shop, good rates and do it in a timely fashion. So it's not to say they are all bad. For me, they are all guilty until proven innocent!.......:rofl::cheers: