WOT issues

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New Member
OK So i have finished putting my doo back together (2004 GTI LE RFI) after my flywheel epsiode, taken for a water test and found it runs pretty good. Only catch is it doesnt seem to want to rev above 5800 rpm and it seems to not want to advance beyond about 38 - 40 mph and i still have half throttle movement left on the trigger. It also seems to cough or surge (only slightly) every now and then. Low end seems to have plenty of response up until about 4800 rpm or 30mph so i believe the jet is ok (just had new wear ring instaled 5 hours ago). Also seems to want to idle at 1800 - 2000 rpm in the water which i thought was odd.

One possible factor could be owner prior to me had ran premix fuel and i just realised that i am running the VROI and premix.

My first thoughts were maybe RAVEs or plugs (new plugs 2 hours ago prior to my flywheel issue unsure about RAVEs but engine was rebuilt about 15 hours ago). Or could it possibly be just too much oil in the fuel system gumming up things at higher revs?

Any ideas or suggestions?
RAVES can be sticking, since yuo had both premix and injection oil in the system. Pop the cap off, and pull up on the bellows. Also it could be a faulty WR(water regulator), located on the waterbox.

What do you mean by "flywheel issues" ? Did you just replace the engine?
I ask these questions because you CANNOT do away with the oil injection system and premix a RFI engine without damaging the rotary valve, valve cover and cases.
Thanks for the quick reply, Ill check the raves tonight, im seriously looking at draining the fuel out and putting in fresh unmixed fuel now that i know the VROI is actually working. The WR on the water box is the one that looks ilke a RAVE yes?
Should the adjustment on this one be set the same as the engine RAVES? ie red screw in bit on top should be level with the black plastic housing or are they set differently?
What do you mean by "flywheel issues" ? Did you just replace the engine?
I ask these questions because you CANNOT do away with the oil injection system and premix a RFI engine without damaging the rotary valve, valve cover and cases.

Hi Dawg, the "flywheel Issue" was that the flywheel nut came lose (wasnt tightened up properly by service guy when they replaced engine - grrr) and it destroyed the oil pump amongst other things, so i have just finished getting it all back together (including replacing the oil pump with a new one). Service guys wouldnt look at it under any warranty as it was "too long and the craft has changed hands". Guy i purchased the ski off had just always ran premix regardless of VROI working or not. My preference is to NOT run premix anyway. Have checked all oil lines to RV and VROI all is good supply / flow etc.

Have been doing lots of reading in here prior to making decisions. :)
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The water regulator checked out fine, checked the raves and one came out no problems at all, the other was stuck but eventually came out with a bit of pressure. So im cleaning those up tonight and reinstalling.

Plugs are black as the ace of spades, so they are getting replaced.

If the hoses on the jet pump (engine inlet and outlet) are swapped over would this cause the issue above?

I was thinking that if the lines were mixed up then the WR may not get enough back pressure to lift the needle and therefore not shut off the water going into the tuned pipe. Im pretty certain they are the wrong way around on the back of the jet pump but If some one could confirm where these should be connected from the pump to the head would be great. Manual isnt real clear.
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Update on progress
All back together, water testing tonight. I took the punt and have changed the inlet / outlet hoses to what i think is right.
Have drained 20 lt of premix out of the tank and replaced with fresh 91 oct unleaded (not premix) fuel, so i still have a little premix in probably about 150ml of oil in 45 litres now + VROI, instead of 1 oil to 55 fuel + VROI.

So hopefully water test tonight -> change of underwear or empty out wetsuit (depending on the performance) -> All set for the easter long weekend with the family on the river.

Can someone give me an idea of realistic achievable top speed / RPM for a 2004 GTI LE RFI ski?
Just s i have something to judge the performance against.
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