Wish someone would of warned me!


Well-Known Member
New to PWC's. Wrenching is not a problem!
I winterized my 2 - 2000 GTI's We bought in Nov, Myself.
Charged the batteries and cleaned the bilges this week.
Figured I would start them, make sure they made it thru the winter.
About 5 winds the first one tries to start. Pause give a good long choked, wind. She fires up! Then promptly fill the 2 1/2 car garage with thick white smoke! Umm! burning Fogging Oil! The Wife heard the noise and saw the smoke. She comes running out. Do I need to call 911? No, you need to help me roll them out, so I don't do that again! Never thought about the smoke or blast of antifreeze all over my roll away tool boxes!
Is this the same ski or skis, in another post that had water in the hulls? If so and both started, you should be O.K. I'm a bit surprised that at least the starters weren't affected.

I have read where neighbors have called 911 to report a fire,,, Welcome to the club.

Repairing and selling iPads, iPhones and Mini iPads.
It was the high water marks I found. Being new to them I did not know how much is acceptable. Starters work great. I drained bilges before I even towed them home. Dried them out with fans at home. Been in the garage ever since.
I do believe [MENTION=29781]Spimothy Leary[/MENTION] had the same problem just a bit ago and the neighbor came running over.

My old Polaris snowmobile would smoke really a lot when first started in the Fall.