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Winterize Advice 2005 Sportster 4-tec intercooler (new boat owner)

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New Member
Looking for some advice as it is my first time winterizing my 2005 Sportster 4-tech with intercooler (closed loop system). Live in the PNW of US for temperature context as it does get into freezing temps. I wasn't able to finish winterizing per manual but did get some work done and am wondering if I need to contact a mechanic to follow the manual directions or if anyone has this boat and doesn't have issues in freezing temps.

The shop manual "Antifreeze Protection" directions states:
-remove both intercooler hoses
-let the intercooler drain, then connect the bottom hose
-pour approx 200ml antifreeze into the cooler
-pour approx 300ml of antifreeze into the exhaust manifold
-reconnect the upper hose

It has a big CAUTION: it is highly recommended to pour antifreeze into the intercooler and exhaust manifold. Failure to do so may result in damage to these components.

I wasn't able to get the hoses off the intercooler. I did run the boat without water 1 minute to flush out any existing water and move the fuel stabilizer from the tank into engine. YouTube videos show people winterizing Sportsters by gravity feeding antifreeze via a garden hose connected on the rear of the craft by the jet pump support. I did this with a half gallon antifreeze until the pink fluid was flushing out. I did fog the engine.

What do you think? Advice would be greatly appreciated as I don't want to damage my new to me boat.
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If you have already completed this, here is what I do.

I don't pull any hoses at all. I use a sump pump and 5 gal bucket. I fill it will antifreeze and with the engine running pump the entire bucket through the engine through the flush inlet. That gets the exhaust and intercooler with antifreeze.

The first time I did this, I pulled the lower intercooler hose off to check that anti freeze was through it and also pulled the lower exhaust manifold hose to check it. Both had ample antifreeze so this made it a no brainer to winterize.
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