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Will this Oil Work in my Doo?

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New Member
I just went to O'Reilly Auto and asked about oil for my 1996 GTI. They had a brand on the shelf called Masterpro Air/Watercooled 2 Cycle Sport Low Smoke from Ozark Auto out of MO. for 3.99 for a Quart. On the back, the very first ski listed is "Bombadier SkiDoo and SeaDoo". It is a Synthetic Blend and states it conforms to ISO EGD and JASO FC standards. It sounds to good to be true for the price. I know there's the Quicksilver brand thats more expensive and I can't locate it at my local Walmart. I don't want to mess anything up, but saving a buck isn't bad either! Opinions welcome.

I would check to see if your ski is supposted to be used with twc-3 oils and not NMMA oils, or synthetic or blend? The quicksilver is usually located in the automotive department or sporting goods of walmart but it is also located at other stores that sell two cycle oil (farm or automotive or mercery boat dealers). Do you have a owners manual/shop manual for your ski?

Been to 3 local Walmarts and no Quicksilver oil except for a marine application. I didn't look in the automotive section, only marine. I assume the quicksilver I'm looking for has PWC on the front label.

I can't find this one at Walmart.
and you won't...they do not sell the pwc oil at wallmart....you can get it at seadoo for around $60 a gallon........at 3.99 quart is only about $16 a gallon.....please do the math and think about it.....do not always trust something because it says it will work......your owners manual will tell you what you should be using.....or it will say right on your ski.
Check the Automotive dpt next to the Sepertec 2 cycle and penzoil 2 cycle

i get my full synthetic quicksilver from walmart its in a black bottle in the automotive department and it has the pink pcw label on it. It sells for $37.88/gal i also know that seadoosnipe the moderator gets his a walmart. Becuase i told him the price just rased from 32.88 and he went to stock up.
and you won't...they do not sell the pwc oil at wallmart....you can get it at seadoo for around $60 a gallon........at 3.99 quart is only about $16 a gallon.....please do the math and think about it.....do not always trust something because it says it will work......your owners manual will tell you what you should be using.....or it will say right on your ski.

i get my full synthetic quicksilver from walmart its in a black bottle in the automotive department and it has the pink pcw label on it. It sells for $37.88/gal i also know that seadoosnipe the moderator gets his a walmart. Becuase i told him the price just rased from 32.88 and he went to stock up.

of my 2 local wal-marts only 1 has the black bottle full synthetic for 37.88/bottle but my sea-doo mechanic sells the seadoo synthetic for 40.00/ bottle and they give gave me 10% off for buying a case at a time so i just stuck with the seadoo oil for my challenger
Ok guy's, here are the facts direct from seadoo. Yes, you can use Quicksilver from Walmarts or any other oil you prefer as long as it maintains the standards set by seadoo. I perfer to only use seadoo oil in my seadoo, but that's just me, and I get it cheap as I have a connection and buy it by the case lot.
A lot of members use different oils and have had no problems. Here are the specs of oil and fuel as recomemded;

Recommended oil and fuel use.

Use High quality low ASH API TC Injector oil.
Do Not use NMMA TC-W, TC-W2 or TC-W3 outboard motor oils or other ash less type 2 cycle oil. Avoid mixing different brands of API TC oil as resulting chemical reaction will cause severe engine damage. Never mix Mineral or synthetics oil together.

Never use fuel containing more than 10 % alcohol,( Methanol or Ethanol) as severe damage will occur. The minimum of 87 octane is recommended for most engines.

ok so the seadoo dealer by me is higher priced....go figure just like any dealer......

KARL i need the hookup on that oil. Thanks for backing up my statement
I personally only use Sea-Doo Oil. One thing about the "other guys" I liked. I was able to use TWC-3 oil and it was DIRT CHEAP! But i love my XP too much to want another brand of ski just to save money.
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