Hello new at this I bought a 1994 spx that was stored for about 4 years. I put gas in it & hooked up water & started it up it smoked & ran rough for about 2 min. then cleared out & ran great for about 10 min. Then it stalled like it ran out of gas. It woud not restart i checked for spark it had none. I wiggled some wires & got a very dim spark & then check the modual it was bad I replaced it & the battery . Now I have spark . When i try to start it will fire & die right out. When the fuel filter is full it will run a second longer. It looks like the fuel filter will not stay full & takes a while to refill. I dont know if it a fuel problem or elctrical.Someone told me it could also be a problem with the armature or charging coil behind magneto.
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