Who wants to go riding on Monday or Tuesday? (Miami / Ft Lauderdale) or where ever,,,


Looking to get out. Don't care where. I'll meet you where ever.

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Go to Markham and check out canal Joe.

Its quick and will let you be in the water.

Whats your schedule.
I have Thursday afternoon, Friday or Sunday this week?

I can always rearrange Thursday morning but I have to let office know in advance
I hope you make it out... we had 4 of us scheduled for Sunday then ended up cancelling.

I went bowling !!!! :(

Thought about trying to break away an afternoon this week but its not looking good as of right now
When I first posted I stated Sun/Mon. But I am actually off on Mon/Tues for the next four weeks.

So anyone that wants to ride,,,, just let me know.
ya, but I did stay warm & dry,,, with water temps @60 its not that comfortable right now.

The guy in the next lane took a perfect game into the 8th frame, that was our equivalent of a cruiser leaving a nice 4' wake to jump :)

Also played some pickleball (3rd time out) finally got the hang of it and had some good long volley's. (lazy man's version of tennis, so its perfect for me haha )
ya, but I did stay warm & dry,,, with water temps @60 its not that comfortable right now.

You Floridians are a bunch of wimps.. LOL

Yes, I now live in Florida, but my blood is still use to the Ohio weather. Maybe next year I will be a wimp too,,
yes, from what the new residents tell me it takes a season or two to thin out, it does help that you still travel.

As I mentioned before, since your in that area, the soflariders would be your best source of ride buddies, its a huge group, extremely into the sport and family oriented, hubby/wife ride all the time in that group. Yes I know they charge but IMO its money well spent, they spend every dime back with the group. You will meet some fantastic peeps there and one email to the group will almost always get a response with somebody that has free time. I ride with them when I can but i'm very reluctant to join up in the east coast rides because i'm on the wrong coast, if i lived in S.florida i'd be out with them twice a month.