White smoke and gray oily substance, excessive oil consumption

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New Member
I have a new to me 1998 Sportster 1800 with twin 717 engines. When I bought it one of the cylinders was full of injection oil. I pumped it out and got it running. On my first time out it was running great and I had it up to about 50mph. On the next loop around the lake a coolant line popped off and quickly filled the hull with water, submerging the engines pretty high up. I made it back to shore and drained the hull. I got both engines started, but now the starboard engine does not run clean. There is white smoke and a gray oily substance on the ground under that exhaust port. I have run it and checked the plugs and they are always wet, seems like oil and water combo. It will not clean out after running it quite awhile. I also used almost half a tank in injection oily in a very short period of time. There is no visible oil in the bottom of the hull. I am wondering if someone can tell me what is going on here, so I can proceed with the appropriate next steps.
Check the cable on the oil injection pump. It may be broken, sending the oil injection to full output. You need to get it figured out and the motor run to burn the moisture out of that motor or it will be ruined.
Check the cable on the oil injection pump. It may be broken, sending the oil injection to full output. You need to get it figured out and the motor run to burn the moisture out of that motor or it will be ruined.
Thanks for your thoughts. Cable has been checked. No issue there.
Water in your crank case is likely, either via the submerged carbs or there is water mixed into your oil via the reservoir.
It would have pumped out by now. I have run it without the plugs, thumb over hole and with plugs for at least a half hour in my driveway and the lake. I am thinking crank bearing seals are gone and the oil is going straight into the crank and out the exhaust while it's running.
The white smoke is water Vapor,,,the milk is water with fuel…you either have latent water still in the cases,'or you have a leak,,,base gasket,,,head gasket,,,manifold gasket,exhaust pipe head pipe gasket,,,,,even a crack in the sleeve,,,(unlikely),,,and…I have had them alll,,,not all at once of course.
The white smoke is water Vapor,,,the milk is water with fuel…you either have latent water still in the cases,'or you have a leak,,,base gasket,,,head gasket,,,manifold gasket,exhaust pipe head pipe gasket,,,,,even a crack in the sleeve,,,(unlikely),,,and…I have had them alll,,,not all at once of course.
Thanks for the feedback. I have spoken to a couple sea doo mechanics and I am pretty sure at this point that the seals are totally gone in the crank and it needs a rebuild. Half a tank of injection oil gone in less than a couple hours running leads to this conclusion. There is no visible oil in the hull, so it must be going thru that engine.
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