I just picked up a 99 speedster SK with the twin 720's. I took it out Saturday for the first time with absolutely no issues and again on Sunday when I got the continuous "BEEP" after idling for a few minutes. After hitting this forum while in the boat I learned that I had at least one engine overheating. After shutting it down for 10 minutes she fired back up and I had no further issues. Now on to my question.... Today I ran the engines w/ the garden hose to verify flow and got two results. The starboard engine had water flow out the exhaust (good) and the larger port on the right (starboard) side only. The port engine also had flow through the exhaust (again good) as well as the same right side port but also through the smaller port on the left bottom (port side) near the bottom of the pump. Sorry for no pictures as I can get them later if necessary. Which pump is doing the correct thing?