Whew. I almost crapped my pants!

So here is a learning opportunity. Who was wrong? And why?

Here's my $.02.
Ski#1 enters frame from the Left.
Ski#2 (filming) gets behind ski#1 which pulls a 360 and his heading back towards ski#2 filing.

Passenger of ski#2 is being heard screaming go Left(Port) as ski#1 narrowly hits them turning right last minute.

Its Ski#2 at fault for following ski#1 too close not knowing his intentions.
He should of be far away enough stationary to let ski#1 pass to be filmed.

Although ski#2 could of turned a hard right after straightening out of 360 to allow distance between too.
He may of had an intention to try to splash him? There was no communication b/w two and there were playing to close.

Now if I was in a channel ski#2 would turn right after I pass or me left after I pass him.
Ocod. Able to ride in the morning out of Jungle River? 07:15 ish

When I get home I post my reply as to who was wrong.
Ocod. Able to ride in the morning out of Jungle River? 07:15 ish

When I get home I post my reply as to who was wrong.

Im going to do my best.
Already posted in Idoo threads.
Just has to be a sunrise ride for me.
Ill know more tomorrow.

Haven't been used and have to pick one of the two and get battery charged and plugs changed on one of them.
Im going to do my best.
Already posted in Idoo threads.
Just has to be a sunrise ride for me.
Ill know more tomorrow.

Haven't been used and have to pick one of the two and get battery charged and plugs changed on one of them.

Hope you make it,,, I plan on being there at 07:15 as the window was 07:00 to 07:30.
Ok,, ski 1 is the one coming in from the left and ski 2 is the one filming.

First, the "Rule of good seamanship" always applies no matter who is officially wrong. Which means, even if someone cuts in front of you, you can not run into that person JUST because they were legally wrong for doing so. That said, if you can not avoid them, that is when the "Rules of the Road" apply.

OK,, Ski 1 comes in from the left and in theory would see the port (red) side of the vessel to his right. This means that ski 1 has the responsibility to do what is needed to avoid any issues with the other vessel as well as not force vessel 2 to have to change his path.

Since neither of the vessels are restricted in the maneuverability, then all the rules equally apply.

Once ski 1 turns left, (though the better path is slow down and turn right and pass behind the other ski), there is plenty of space between the two skis. Fair or otherwise, this puts ski 2 in an "Overtaking" position, which means he now must do what is needed to ensure clear and safe passage. Yes, ski 1 does a stupid hairpin turn, but if ski 2 would have continued his turn to the left, this would allow for clear and safe passage.

So officially, ski 2 is forced to give way due to the actions of ski 1. In the big picture, ski 1 did a careless act and should not have done so, but once he was the lead vessel, this forces any vessel behind him to be the responsible part.

This one is a bit strange as the "Rules" dictate fault. I was part of a situation as an investigator in a case identical to this. It had to be written up as noted above from a legal standpoint. However, ski 2 took ski 1 to court and ski 1 was forced to accept all responsibility due to "Reckless operation".

As the on scene legal force, we did not have nor could we use the filmed event. So,, for us it was a legal thing and pretty clear cut.

If the first ski would have passed behind the first ski, this would never have happened.
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Hope you make it,,, I plan on being there at 07:15 as the window was 07:00 to 07:30.

Trying to push it back the 30-45 min to be in the water away from ramp before daybreak if we can.
Be there at 7:30 means we leave at 8 or after.
Lets get that hr to ride and see sun rise.

If I go. It will be hitch and go for me.
Ill have everything ready saturday night and theres a McDonalds on the way if anyone hungry
Trying to push it back the 30-45 min to be in the water away from ramp before daybreak if we can.
Be there at 7:30 means we leave at 8 or after.
Lets get that hr to ride and see sun rise.

If I go. It will be hitch and go for me.
Ill have everything ready saturday night and theres a McDonalds on the way if anyone hungry

I will PM you my number based on you having a new phone. I will do whatever is needed. I'll meet and do McDonalds. I just need an accurate time. I can meet you on the road like before or near your house.
Were limited by sunrise to be legal but do you think wee can be there and leaving ~6:30 mark

We leave/meet you off my exit @ 5:30am
Its about 30-40 drive jik we stop for mc muffins or theres a DD too on the way
I am game if the others are...

Let me know by 10pm so I can do what I need to do..
Sorry if this thread got hijacked, didn't mean to steer away from you post....
ya, talk about hijacking a thread.

back to the original post ... unless this was a coordinated and pre-planned event twixt the operators it is a good example why pwc users get a bad reputation.