If you cruise in weedy area's then the equiverlent swirl impeller is better, because of the shape of the blade it lets the weed slide off, they also have better take off out of the hole but top end is not as good.
Also stick with the OEM wear ring as i have read that the fit is better!!!
If you want to go reconditioned then SBT is a good place to start, for $25 exchange.
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you had a 97 challenger 1800,how fast you did before>?it's have two engines,can i just run with one engine?where can find binimi top ,can you give me a web?
You'll find them anywhere from $550 to $750 depending on color and style.
You should not run your boat on one engine unless it is broken. If you do, make sure you pinch the cooling water inlet or you take the chance in flooding the engine............:cheers: