I have a 97 challenger and I'm getting a new winch for the trailer, the boats 2100lb full. Do I get the 1600lb or 2000lb winch?
First,,, I never go to light as you just NEVER know when you may need extra winching capabilities.
For example, a very steep ramp, bad rollers, someone borrows your trailer ect ect ect.
That said, here is the normal math for boat to winch ratio.
It is normally 2 to 1.
If you have a trailer that is in good shape with good rollers or Teflon slides for example, you can drop this ratio to 3 to 1. On the flip side, if you have long winching distances and or wooden bunks or something that creates higher than normal drag, then you need to raise the ratio to 1 to 1.
If this helps, here is how it breaks down.
2200 pound boat used for my examples.
2:1 You need a winch that can handle 1100 pounds of pull.
3:1 You need a winch that can handle 900 pounds of pull.
1:1 You need a winch that can handle 2200 pounds of pull.