What to do.. GSX RFI 2000 broken

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New Member
Well, I just loved my seadoo, the faster the better and I loved rough weather.
I had one last run on it in 2004 before winter really hit, did everything by the book, rinsing, spraying ect. it was running smothly and money was tight so no winter service.

Next time it was taken out a few months later to be used it would not go, had full battery charge, friend had a look, stated the fly wheel was not turning at all.........so there it has sat, no money to fix it, not wanting to get rid of it.

that has changed now as Breast cancer has made the decission for me I need to fix & sell or sell as is. I need the money............ any sugestions as to what to do???
Bad luck....

I really hate your circumstances are what they are. I wish you well and hope you a speedy recovery.
You did everything right when bringing in your PWC, by rinsing it out etc... It seems your location is somewhere near Spain and I'm not familar with the weather patterns there, but the reason you do winterizing is to keep moisture from starting the corrosion process inside the block of the engine. That's why they fog the engines. To apply a protectant, anti-moisture barrier on the metal surfaces. The cooling system is flushed and filled with anti-freeze to protect the block. If you don't see freezing weather in that part of your world, then you shouldn't have any problem there.
As for the flywheel not turning. I could have used a bit more detail. Did the engine starter engage and not just turn the flywheel over? Or is it something more like the flywheel key has broken from the shaft and is free spinning?
If the motor sat up for a long period of time and you tried to start it, heard the solenoid engage the flywheel, but it didn't roll over, your crank may be locked from a small amount of deposits from not fogging. You probably could try and take a pipe wrench, slide your boot back or remove your flywheel cover and try and turn your crankshaft over with the wrench. If it's stuck and your able to move the shaft back and forth till you free it, then you may get the starter to roll it over when it breaks free. I'd also remove the spark plugs, and spray some type of lubricant into the cylinders. At this point, with the engine (basically locked up) in this condition, it probably wouldn't matter what type lubricant you use. I'd recommend Marvel Mystery oil if you have access to it. It's a miracle oil that will free up your rings or anything stuck that it can penetrate through to. The 787cc Rotax engine is a very durable engine and if the shaft is just locked from sitting, I think you have a very good chance of getting it to run again.
The amount of time and labor to do these few tasks is minimal. To make it run, you'll get a nice payback, to sell as is, most will look at it as a basket case and not offer you much money, because your buyer will probably be someone looking for a machine to use mostly for a parts PWC.
Good luck and I wish you well. If you need anything else, feel free to write back. Either in a post, or if you like, PM me!......
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