Hi all, Newbie to the forum...I bought a 94' gtx with 657 engine....It was running but very sluggish ... so I am .rebuilding carbs,change all fuel lines,fuel /water separator, fuel slector, noticed that prev owner took off oil pump and blocked it..went to premix...also noticed he remove 90 elbow oil fitting on starboard crankcase side and put regular bolt in left port elbow return line about a foot a plugged the end(thats how he added and drained oil in bath)....anyway I thought I would just loop oil lines with tygon 12mm or something clear so I can see oil put a tee fitting in so I can drain and question is what size is the elbow that the 12mm line goes on ..Ill go to home depot and get a brass fitting to put in there with nipple for line...any ideas ?