what is impeller pitch?

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i am a boat guy. i think in inches of pitch and diameter. obviously, with watercraft diameter is fixed at the size of the pump. the measurement is degrees of angle? lower number being beginning of the blade and higher number the back end, much like the cup on boat props? thanks.
The diameter is always be the same to fit the jet pump, but the Pitch will change by degree of angle, just like a boat prop.

Impellers are purchased by two different pitches. The first number in the pitch is the degree angle at the outer edge and the second number is the degree pitch at the inner hub. It makes a smooth curve, somewhat similar to that of a prop.
They are normally sold by the pitch for instance, a Solas 12/20.
ok. inboard-to-outboard end of the blade. not the cup on the back of blade. since the outboard edge goes farther, if at same angle as inboard edge, it would push water farther per revolution. i get it now.
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