What a deal on renting a ski


Well-Known Member
My Wife and some of our kids went on vacation in Panama City Florida. She kept watching the JET Ski's off shore. She told me she wants to bring ours next time. I got a check from stock i sold last week. Thought what the hell, treat the WIFE. I rented one for an hour $100. She rode it for 5 min with me on the back. Then went back to shore. She can't ride with me on it and did not want to ride by herself. The rental kid looked at me said: Slow day, you can have it for 2 hours if you like? I spanked that beater rental Waverunner for 2 hours!
And this is exactly why you shouldn't ever buy an ex rental ski. :facepalm: I rented a beat to hell yamaha last year in St. Marteen, it rode like and old truck, but it was fun riding on the ocean.

Lou, when you were in St Martin, did you by chance see a guy with a tiny red plane on the beach that he would sell rides on?
Not that I remember, I do think I saw one pulling an advertising banner. Why, was that you?

BTW how's Sheridan working out, I want her back by the end of July.

Not that I remember, I do think I saw one pulling an advertising banner. Why, was that you?

BTW how's Sheridan working out, I want her back by the end of July.


We were in St Martin 22 years ago. And he would beach the plane at the resort we were staying at. Come to think of it I think he did pull banners. If I recall this plane was only like 8 - 10 feet long. You want SHERIDAN back? I got confused and kept Sheridan and sent the wife down, she should be there Friday.
I have absolutely abused and neglected every rental ski i've ever had the pleasure of riding. I'm actually shocked they last as long as they do.
I think I got my money's worth out of it. They had big balls anchored for the riding area. I played race course with them. Made many 60 MPH runs out and back. Did a bunch of wake jumps. Just tore it up more then I would do with ours.
Although I own two ski's and have access to loaners, I still rent one probably every 12 months or so, usually when out of town family comes in, or if i'm away on vacation. Actually there was a $40 groupon the other day locally for an hour at the beach, and I almost bought it, that's easily less than I spend in gas and ramp fee's on a typical day. But then I remembered the bouy restrictions... blah...

I have enjoyed a couple of "Dolphin Tour" rentals, we did that last June with family in town, rented 5 of them, had a guide $60 each for about 1.5 hours, and it was pretty fun, we rode the area's that I would typically ride, the guide was cool, and let us open it up in the backwaters. On the last one I actually learned about a shortcut through the mangroves that I wasn't aware of, took my buddies through the new route, although at a faster pace (40ish) than our rental group did @ 25.