Water under engine - normal? Wake Pro 230

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Hi! Trying to figure why I have some water under the engine? And is it normal..? I just noticed last week after I fixed the IBr Actuator. So maybe now that I pay attention I see this or do I really have an issue?

Today I tried diagnosing it and found myself more puzzled... none of the normal spots had water.. Nothing from the back leaking, not the muffler, the boot around the carbon seal felt dry, none of the bolts from under are leaking (like ride plate).

Please read what i tried..

Started fully dry.. and I put the pwc (wake pro 230) on the water. At the dock i inspect and water was starting to accumulate at a noticeable rate.. with a towel I dried all and put my hand under the engine.. couldn't really detect where water is coming from. felFELT AROUND the middle of the engine towards the manifold side (right side when driving). As I dry and let it be... IMPORTANT: I can listen like something either allowing water like gulps gulps etc.. then stops socking water when the bottom of the engine is touching the water...

Is this a mechanical way to cool the engine? Oil pan maybe? After riding water is warm from the engine...

I have not seen the water go beyond the "lower bucket" in the hull. Also if i ride hard.. i see water has been sucked out.

Another symptom that started today.. the engine was stuttering when cold... and vibrating. After a little bit went back to normal... could be remaing gas from last year or sparks coils.. just fyi if means something.
You shouldn’t have noticeable or significant water coming into the hull - either just sitting or while riding. Your engine performance isn't likely related - change spark plugs first.

You might try the reverse process: With your ski on the trailer, close your 2 drain plugs and fill your hull with an inch or two of water from a hose and see if you see water leaking out. Lift the front of the trailer up with a helper and see if you see water leaking out the back jet pump area or from the carbon seal on the driveshaft.

You don’t mention the year or hours on the ski, but from what I read, the carbon seal will have a very noticeable black carbon line on the hull under the seal, if It has failed. Not to be confused with a faint black carbon line from normal wear. And make sure your hoses at the back of the ski are still tight to the hull - the exhaust cooling hose from the jet pump to the exhaust manifold is under a lot of pressure when riding.
Thanks! - we are on the same thought train.. This is a Wake Pro 230 clocking 85hrs at lake water only.

I inspected quick this morning and I don't see any obvious black lines yet like the ones shared by other posts. Still need to dissemble pipes to have better visibility. Regardless I need to do the Carbon Seal since is due anyways..

So my current plan is:
- try slow water into shaft chamber to see if leaks in..
- try reverse fill from inside and see if leaks out
- dissemble and inspect / replace carbon seal.

Looking at the PWC diagrams and components.. I honestly don't see where water could be coming from if truly is not the carbon seal... other hoses are well clamp.. muffler was dry under..
Just a caution about carbon seals - we condemn them too often and unnecessarily. They will go hundreds of hours when not overheated or contaminated by sand from beaching - even in salt water. There isn’t a due date or service interval need to replace them unless they are obviously bad. And a heavy, obvious carbon line is a good indicator.
So the internet is right again!! carbon seal. Learned a lot reading 2:30am.

I did fill the hull with water.. no leaks... then inspected closely and black line it is..


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Trying to understand where to find Seadoo / BRP bulletins.. can't find the referenced: 2019-4 to learn about it..

The parts sites say:
Carbon Ring Not Available. Ref Bulletin 2019-4

Yes - i can sort it from other places like a kit.. seems like new revision? larger..? and work for all..

Just curious where is this truly listed? I never get emails / mail / updates on this stuff..
I am not an expert at carbon seal leaks… but your black line doesn’t look very bad to me. And it doesn’t seem to be leaking when you filled the hull with water. Are you really confident you have a leaking carbon seal?

I have close to 280 hours on my 2007 GTI SE 155 and original carbon seal - no leak and my hull carbon line looks similar as yours. Maybe others with more experience have better advice too.

You can ride slowly or moderate speed in the water with the seat off, and if it is leaking, water will be thrown and sprayed from the seal area.
The only thing that is different,,was that you pulled the actuator.,.so my guess is that it is leaking?,,,since your carbon ring was not an issue before,,,untill suddenly now?
I check in the dock and the leak is not coming from the back. I thought it was the actuator. But no..

As i have the pwc in the dock... water will fill in under the engine. As i put my hand under... i felt from mid engine back, under the manifold side.

I thought too about the carbon seal but the boot wasnt wet..

Current plan is to take it to the dock again and disconnect hoses to get better visibility.

I filled the hull with water overfilliing the lower space and getting to fill the front a little. Nothing leaked for 15mins. So i lifted and emptied and clean.

First time working on a pwc interesting and simpler than cars. Thanks all for tips!
On my 2007 GTI SE 155, I open my drain plugs and lift my trailer as high as it will tilt (about a 50 degree angle) for a couple minutes after a ride, and drain out my hull. When I put my trailer back down, about a half gallon of water runs from the back of the hull, under the engine. Water that just never can drain out of the plugs. I have resorted to putting towels along the driveshaft transom while lifted, and they soak up the water fine when I put the trailer down.

I don’t know if you could be experiencing some normal residual water, now that you are checking your ski closely, but just wanted you to have that possibility in mind. I know a leak can drive us nuts.
Went back and water is not coming from the carbor seal. Is actually flowing from fuether back.

I thought it could be the actuator join to the outside.. that seemed pretty dry. Maybe a drop at most after i unistalled all.

From closer inspection i found 2 possible points..

- Bailers... - can they back flow? Why or how to fix? TODO

- Ride Plate screw.. - looks like water is coming from the furthest screw.. i will epoxy around the nut and sealant the threads.. Anything else? RTV the screw tip after?

- Actuator connection question... - should i add rubber gasket around the join next to the pump? Like a layer around the outer ring of the rubber yellow gasket? I guess wont hurt..

Here water flowing in from only one side. Cant clearly see as i had the muffler and actuator installed..

Took all out at home and followed the wet path. Didnt feel anything in the actuator hole. But saw a bit of drip mark.. mainly wet around the screws.. but also could be water moving while getting back home.
Fixed AND NOT FIXED.. Looks like a need a thread / reasearch thenew issue..

Fixed - no water.. barely none.. will monitor the bit was in if it was riding or carbon seal etc.. at this point negligent..

NEW ISSUE - engine is really stuterring.. could it be from when i filled the hull with water?

Engine is trembeling, almost limp mode as i cant power barely.. like takes time to get just to 15mph. Feel like my car in a horrible boost leak for example. No codes..

i notice since i took it to the shop and they updated the firmware.. that i have no temp display anymore (wake 230 2017). I thought it was the sensor.. so i replaced it.. nothing... more reading says see dealer.. another $300 just to plug i bet
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