New Member
i recently did a top end on my engine, new pistons bored sleeves and etc.
well today was the 3rd time i had to pull out my engine to be able to make a new base gasket, the past 2 i used PERMATEX RTV red, and i rode and ran fine until the base gasket blew out in about 15 mins of riding injesting water. here are some pictures i took..
this is the permatex tored after riding my ski this is less than 30hours old
this is the result of small amount of water in the engine mixing with my oil creating a paste inside the crankcase.
I went to Oreilleys and bought some gasket material for 6 dollars cheaper and thicker than original base gasket
this is my finished work thanks to me and my brother the engine got repaired in about 2 hours.
i hope this helps someone out before choosing the easy way out.
well today was the 3rd time i had to pull out my engine to be able to make a new base gasket, the past 2 i used PERMATEX RTV red, and i rode and ran fine until the base gasket blew out in about 15 mins of riding injesting water. here are some pictures i took..
this is the permatex tored after riding my ski this is less than 30hours old
this is the result of small amount of water in the engine mixing with my oil creating a paste inside the crankcase.
I went to Oreilleys and bought some gasket material for 6 dollars cheaper and thicker than original base gasket
this is my finished work thanks to me and my brother the engine got repaired in about 2 hours.
i hope this helps someone out before choosing the easy way out.