Update firmware on Clusters?


Hi All,

So this is the situation.

2010 RXT IS 260.

When i have one cluster fitted, I can flick between "touring" mode and "sport" mode. However when i fit the other cluster i have, no bueno. The only difference is the cluster.

I suspect the cluster that gives me both modes is from a 2010 GTX / RXT IS or later, whereas its quite likely the second cluster i have is from a 2009 GTX / RXT (which did not have touring / sport).

My question is, is there a way I am able to flash the firmware on the second cluster to give me both Touring and Sport mode.??

These are the BUDS info captures from both clusters.

Yes, module, cluster, update or configuration(can't remember) and you should be able to flash the MY2011 software and then remarry to the ECU so security codes match.
Thanks. That was my first avenue however unfortunately the update option is greyed out.

Any ideas why, or perhaps any ideas of another way to do it?


Change the security coding to all "F"s and write it. Then restart and it will tell you that the coding does not match. Don't change it when it asks. That should then give you the option to flash the cluster as if it thinks it's new and give you the options and then choose MY2011.
Hi There ski-d00.

Firstly id just like to say thanks for taking the time to lend assistance here. It's very much appreciated.

I tried what you suggested, but the "update" option is still greyed out. Not sure if it's just not working for me, or if I'm doing something wrong.

This is the process i followed.

1) Open BUDS
2) Read Data
3) Module -> Cluster -> Security Coding and change everything to "F"


4) Close BUDS and shutdown Ski.
5) Power ski back up, open BUDS and "Read Data" again.
6) As expected I get an error saying the Cluster security coding doesn't match the ECU.

NOTE: This is the only error I get.
7) Click ok to this error.
8) Go into Module -> Cluster and the update option is still greyed out.

I have tried this process on three different skis just incase there was something different across them.

I have also tried it with a combo of ECU's and Clusters on a bench I have with the same result.

Is there something I'm doing wrong here?. Potentially a regional thing? (I'm in Australia). Or something else?.

Appreciate any guidance.
