underwater digital cameras


Well-Known Member
just tried out new camera i got last weekend, tell you what, for 100.00 camera, its the sh98((^t, lol, but we have went threw some cameras in the past, some claim to be waterproof, and eventually are NOT, this one here they have a sale on, just passin it all to you guys ....


its actually a dive camera and good to 130 ft. i bought mostly for upcoming cruise, but, we actually hit the water here in fla bout 2 or 3 weekends a month ...

i know, alot of you have go pros, but if you want a rock solid completely waterproof digital, this is it ...
very interesting.

bookmarked the link, i might bite on that.

thanks for posting, i've already ruined one of my wife's camera's by taking it out on the water and getting it wet, this would be a nice addition to the pwc gear bag.

my gopro is nice for what it does, its does well, but its still not perfect. IMO it does great on long shots but not so good on closeups, I feel like I have to be less than 10 feet away (at 40mph) to get a good video shot of fellow ride buddies on the water. (but maybe i'm stupid and its a setting)

so... did you do what I did when I got my go pro? shove it in the kitchen sink underwater to test it ?
(I tried to get my wife to take a bath with it but she thought it was creepy)
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Had a buddy buy the same camera and it did very well for the money. Only thing I will cation is, make sure battery door is actually latched. They closed there and it "sort of" latched. Camera worked perfectly above water. Dead the instant they hit the water.

Very good pictures for the dollar amount though.
Thanks for posting Jeff,

I think I'm gonna order one, I've been doing a lot of snorkeling on our cruises, this looks like just the thing, it's good for scuba also.

I got the camera Friday and I took it with us to the lake yesterday, great little camera, the water is still to murky to take pictures under water. I took several pictures, unfortunately I forgot the camera a left it in the boat. So I can't post any pictures. But for the price I would give it a 9 out of 10.

Oh not that it's important to me but it's last years model, I guess that's why it's only $100.00, and you will need a 4 or 8gb SD card, about $5.00 at Amazon.

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durable was what i was lookin for , and i said why not one from a scuba shop, used mine above and in water, left it in the foot well for a couple hrs underwater, filmed a pink snapper in the hot tub, all working good ... lol
i messed up 2 cameras in 3 years, and im sure this is the one we will use anytime in or around water ... none of my other cameras came with an sd card .. i got a case, wrist strap and a card reader with mine .. did you ??
Yep, got the SD card reader a wrist strap and a nice neoprene case. No pink snappers in the hot tub, I do however have a case of crabs.
