Funny thing with my GTX that I haven't ridden in a year.... LOL sad but true. I got everything spot on, new/rebuilt engine and everything works. I went to start it up last month and it was ornery but finally cranked on it's own, ran like crap in the driveway then cleared up. I figured that was it... all is well. Had more problems with it starting... these skis should take maybe 6 seconds at full choke then fire after sitting more than a week, this is also my experience after they sit for 3 months or more. They start up pretty well.
I compound issues because I don't ride the skis very often.
So... I decided to pull the carbs and have a look. One of the needles was sluggish, there was no fuel in the carbs so I look over at the ski and the fuel is "OFF"
I pulled the low speed jets and checked the nozzles in the carb throat, all looked well. I hooked everything up, turned on the fuel
and the ski would not start on it's own... no pop, nothing. A squirt of starting fluid and boom fired up and ran, good idle. Hmmmmm.... I thought about bad gas and people will laugh but gas doesn't go bad as quickly as some people think. I've run fuel a year in the ski with no issues.. Anyway... I figured I'd look at the fuel delivery system, pressure test check the selector which is new. I detected no problems. I figured I see how well the carb fuel pump is working and that system so I stuck a clear hose in a fuel can of "fresh fuel" and connected it to the carb. Cleaned the spark plugs, install my spark checkers, and hit the start button. I wasn't looking for the ski to run, just see if it pulled fuel from the tank and how quickly. Ski fired right up.

What I might have is "just about" dead fuel. Perhaps it floods the spark plugs because it won't burn like it should. I guess I'll pull the old fuel out of the ski and put some good stuff in there and see what happens. Then again, I could just go ride it.
LOL Just a note, the fuel in this ski is at least 14 months old and that was mixed with fuel that was a year old before that. Yea I suck at riding my skis. 
I really enjoy working on my own ski for a change because I know that everything is good I just have to find out what isn't. LOL Touchdowns everyone !!

So... I decided to pull the carbs and have a look. One of the needles was sluggish, there was no fuel in the carbs so I look over at the ski and the fuel is "OFF"

What I might have is "just about" dead fuel. Perhaps it floods the spark plugs because it won't burn like it should. I guess I'll pull the old fuel out of the ski and put some good stuff in there and see what happens. Then again, I could just go ride it.

I really enjoy working on my own ski for a change because I know that everything is good I just have to find out what isn't. LOL Touchdowns everyone !!
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