Trouble with my GTX's * * * HELP PLEASE * * *

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Hello All,

I am writing this post in desperation to try and fix some issues me and my brother are having on two GTX's we purchased about a month ago. :cheers:

2000 Sea Doo GTX DI Millennium Edition (5649)
1996 Sea Doo GTX 787 cc (5640)

Let me start with the issues on the 96.. We are having issues with both skis :(

The 96 will run great on the water, with a fresh battery or a quick jump from the other ski (I know your not supposed to do this but oh well, I did) I think it may just be battery troubles, so I have swapped the battery and am waiting for a good day to test it out, I will fire right up in the driveway, which is great. However, I am having problems with the battery light indicator and the fuel gauge, when I put my lanyard on the ski I do not get any beeps, the gauges will come on, the display will say my tank is full, then go out and the battery light and the fuel low lights stay on the entire time the ski is being ran. I have read post about this issue but a solution has never been stated (at least that i can find). This ski runs great other than having to jump it everytime I go to the river, oh.. and after some time running the ski it will fire up w/o needing a jump.

Things I have done:
  1. Checked all cables for corrosion
  2. Changed Battery
  3. Overlooked all electrical connections
  4. Relocated Groundwire

Now, the DI -- I really hope to get this ski running w/o dealer help. It seems like this ski is coughing so to speak, it will only do about 35mph and spudders horribly. A message comes up on the InfoCenter blinking MAINTENANCE with a flashing red light at the bottom, it seems to only get to about 4500 RPM. It does this a little pas idle speed... The jetski will idle fine, and run good until you go to get on the gas, then spudders until you back off. The warning message only appears when your giving it gas, not at idle speeds.

What I've done
  1. Changed Spark Plugs
  2. Added SeaFoam
  3. Replaced Fuel a
  4. Checked Plug Wires
  5. Removed one wire from the 2 cylinders and started using alternating cylinders (to assure cyl was getting fuel)
  6. Check and lube elect. connections

One thing I did notice on the DI's plugs after running it like this for about 20 mins was that the No. 1 Cyl looks to be burning good while the No. 2 Cyl's plug didn't even look like its been used at all.

If anyone can help me with either of these problems I would greatly appreciate any input you may be able to offer. :confused: :confused:
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