Towing my two 2009 RXT-X 255 HP Turbos behind a sailboat

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New Member
We are going to Catalina for the weekend this next week, and taking the sail boat across. Its about a 5 hour sail, and we plan to tow my two beautiful Sea Doos across.

I have never towed them before, and have heard that it is not recommended above certain speeds, or if you do tow them, then a certain cable needs to be clamped.

1. If I tow them at speeds less than 10mph, do I have to worry?

2. If I should clamp them anyways, just to be safe, does anyone know which hose I need to clamp? There are so many, I just dont know which.

the water gets in the engine through the exhaust cooling loop, some how. It sounds like a huge problem, don't risk it. There my be a hose with a piece of red tape wrapped around it. it is located on the top of exhaust pipe.

Beware this information comes to you from a jet ski dreamer.

Good luck on your trip.
Read your Owner's Manual! It tells you all about the towing issues!!! Above a very slow speed (> 5 mph), water pressure will start to build up in the jet pump and it will start to flow water thru the exhaust system, filling the engine up with water. You don't wanna do that, obviously!

- Michael
Damn, I was wondering the same thing. Too bad there wasn't a way to drag them out to our favorite spots. My wife isn't crazy about piloting the boat so I'm left with a choice. Boat or PWC that day!
Read your owner's manual!!! The boats can be towed if you pinch off a coolant hose that is pointed out in the manual. The hose is actually marked for you. The newer boats can be towed without doing anything if the speed is kept below 15mph.

Wow. The number of posts on here that have questions that can be solved if the operator would just read a bit is stunning. Don't have your manual? Yours can be downloaded at
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If you clamp the hose, which you should for towing, make sure you remove the clamp before starting the engine. A good way to remember this is to tie-wrap your key in the vacinity of the clamp so you'll have to find your key before you ever start the engine.

Red2blue: I would like to know more about that ball valve. What exactly is that?
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