this is my first post here and would like to say thanks for all info i have got here over the last year it saved me alot of money..but on to my problem i have two 2000 gti's. i sucked rock in to the pump and waisted the impeller and pump housing and the wear ring. bought new from dealer and had them put the pump back together for me with new bearings and seal. when i got home i put the tail cone back on and filled with oil then before i put it back in i pulled the other pump out of my other gti to inspect the wear ring and i changed it also. so i noticed the newly rebuilt pump (put to gether by dealer) is harder to spin then the one that i pulled out to inspect will this loosen up or should i take it back to the dealer. also on the other pump i changed the wear ring on it just pried out with no problem and the new one just slid right in. it looks like the wear ring is held in by compression when the pump is bolted in is this normal i reed all of the posts about cutting out the ring with a saw. thanks for any advice you can give me...
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