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Throttle/Choke blade screws

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Well-Known Member
I am stripping my carbs down to be powder coated. I have removed throttle blade screws before on carbs to do this, however these darn screws will not come all the way out on these carbs, I have found them on the parts site here for like $2.50 each screw thats alot for them. Anyways does anyone have a trick to getting these out....they just seem to seperate the throttle blade shaft but do not come out and the screw heads are stripping to where soon I will not be able to put a screwdriver on them. Maybe I will just cut the heads off but I still need to try to get them out first. And if you have any of these screws laying around it would be great.

Also my carbs have been rebuilt but not the fuel pump diapham...so I checked the parts sheet and it does not give a part number for it, where can I find just that piece? The other parts/gaskets are all new on the carbs, I need the fuel pump diapham, intake and carb gaskets and a head gasket.
You can't just unscrew the screws from the throttle plates. They are peined so they won't fall in the carb if they loosen up. You need to use a grinder and cut the end off then unscrew them. Upon replacing them, use lock tight and pein the new ones as well. I got replacements at the local hardware store, like $.05 each or something.

You can't just unscrew the screws from the throttle plates. They are peined so they won't fall in the carb if they loosen up. You need to use a grinder and cut the end off then unscrew them. Upon replacing them, use lock tight and pein the new ones as well. I got replacements at the local hardware store, like $.05 each or something.


I thought they where I just could not remember correctly. Do you know where I can pick up the fuel pump diapham and the orange stopper that goes in there?
what did you use to pein them Karl? I am just going to cut the heads off and unscrew them from the back side, they have to come off to go in for powder coat work and the choke ones are a little stiff if I cannot fix the choke butterflies to work smoothly I guess I will tig the holes up from them and remove them and ad a primer system as the other owner tightend the heck out of the nuts and pulled the butterflies into the carbs.
That's it for the choke's I guess I removed the one and the shaft is bent, there is no way I will get that perfectly stright again, I think its great that the guy that owned this before me was a ase master and ford master tech and rebuilt these carbs yet still damaged them.

I guess I will be eliminating them and installing a primer system on it now, such a shame. I could not even get the bushings out, but they will not matter now, however I will have to save the throttle shaft bushings or find replacments for them. The fuel pump linkage did not move smoothly either so I will have to look at it and prob replace that bushing as well.
any ideas on a good primer system to run? I think I will mount it right up at the handle bars, or I may just install a primer ball in the fuel feed line just like a boat.
I remembered that they would not just unscrew but could not remember how to get them off/why. Now that you have reminded me it made it much easier, thanks, Karl.
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