Thinking of changing up the ski's next season.

Dr Honda

Well-Known Member
Hi All,

So, with the new career... I didn't use my ski's much last season. Also... when I do have time to be on the water... The fam wants to take the boat out. So, because of that... I'm thinking about selling off my skis, and replacing them with something a little more modern.

As some of you know... I have a nice double trailer, with a 2000 Polaris Genesis, and a 96 XP. Both skis are great, and have different personalities. But, both are 2-stroke, and getting old. THe genesis is a big 4 person ski... and can't really be replaced... but I'm thinking that if I keep them... the engines are going to be at "End of life".

I figure I can sell all of it and replace them with a spark.

I know... it's a totally different ride. But I'm thinking that it's small/light enough, that I can mod my Islandia trailer, and be able to take it with me on the boat. That way, when we drop anchor, and the kids are swimming... and the wife is reading a book... I can ride a ski around.

Let me know what you guys think.
Well, to tell the truth that's pretty much what we do, except the next generation, kids and grand kids. We keep the boat at the lake, usually take one ski with us, we'll find a cove or someplace to tie up and if I'm lucky I'll sneak off for a ride on the SeaDoo, usually with one of the grand kids. The ski's have gotten to be secondary to the boat.

Its an excellent idea, saves a ton of space going from a double to a single, and if you can modify the boat trailer even better and of course it would be nice to store the spark on a stand in the corner of the garage, keep it nice and safe and dry. No more 2 smoke, no more buying gallons of oil, no more nickle and dime repairs (warranty's are wonderful, I can only hope some day to own something/anything with a warranty except maybe my new clothes dryer LOL)
The 4-tec skis are SUPER easy. Make sure there is oil in the engine and gas in the tank. Especially true for salt water. The closed loop system is a very nice feature. To flush the skis have a threaded port in the stern. Hard to get easier than that.

One negative, is when they need repair. Harder to diagnose in many cases and cost kore to fix. I love mine.

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Having a ski on your boat trailer would be the way to go. I love having a ski on the lake with my boat but the logistics are difficult. What I currently do is have a friend tow my skis, I tow my boat. Two X4s and a 23' boat - oh boy do you burn gas!
gas gas and more gas....and oil...

It really is night and day between my 2 stroke and my 4.... I literally get double the gas mileage on my 4 stroke (granted its a honda) vs my 2 stroke.. took both out on Sunday and burned 9 gallons vs 5. not a huge deal but that was a reasonably short ride, it really add's up when your talking a 100+ mile day.