The X4 Forum


Staff member
[MENTION=37676]purple_people_eater[/MENTION] messaged me with this idea, so I will not take credit. We now have a dedicated area for X4 enthusiasts. For now I will leave Some of the old X4 threads in the 2-stroke forum due to search engine listings. From now on please post new X4 topics here :cheers: :thumbsup:
Freakin love it know me Im serving up X-4 hype on a daily basis...but Im thinking it detracts from the traffic to the two stroke section. Thats the reason all the jetboat guys post in the 2 stroke PWC section....theres so much more traffic and posting.

What does everyone else think?
Freakin love it know me Im serving up X-4 hype on a daily basis...but Im thinking it detracts from the traffic to the two stroke section. Thats the reason all the jetboat guys post in the 2 stroke PWC section....theres so much more traffic and posting.

What does everyone else think?

I wouldn't think so. usually when I get here I pull up all new posts and go thorough them. I thought of it more as a better way to organize everything and possibly draw more people to the site. heck we've got almost half a mill views on the x4 thread.
I was actually thinking about that thread the other day and an awesome way to change the site. It would be good to hide irrelevant chatter, maybe a tiny "post hidden, click to view" or tie chatter to a certain post everyone was talking about so it doesnt take up a whole page. Think file explorer....where you could expand and contract less relevant posts to a specific post.
Hm, you may be right about it taking away from the 2stroke section. Let me mull it over with the other mods on the site..