Thank a Veteran!!


New Member
There's a lot of posts about the great holiday weekend we are having, but please spend a few moments remembering those who are serving or have served this great country. We would not have this opportunity if it wasn't for them, God bless our troops!:thumbsup:
Harry - Great reminder, thanks,

Remember Freedom isn't free........
If not for our VETS, then we could be speaking the language of Japan or Germany instead of English.

Thank you VETS.

Fly your flag, esp this weekend.
I did.

I spent the afternoon with my dad and bro. Dad was in the AF in Nam, and my bro was in the AF and he was down in Guantanamo in the 90's. (and got TB while he was down there)
I did.

I spent the afternoon with my dad and bro. Dad was in the AF in Nam, and my bro was in the AF and he was down in Guantanamo in the 90's. (and got TB while he was down there)

Yep, I've been both places and never care to go back again, thank them for me! Semper Fi!!:cheers:
I know that this isn't about thanking vets for our freedom....but July 4th celebrates our freedom from the possible control of other countries.

So just a message about being safe this holiday "week" .......


If you go forth with a fifth on the fourth, you may not come forth on the fifth!!!!!

Please don't drink and drive, that means a car, boat, jetski or a bike also.
Great that you remind them!
The willingness of America's veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude.
Jeff Miller :thumbsup: