Temp gauge on dash not reading correctly


New Member
Temp guage on dash (below is not mine) is always reading 184 degrees even just sitting in the garage. If I hook up my CanDoo Pro and look at the engine temp, its correct (outside temp was 74, sitting in garage engine temp was 76) Which sensor is this getting its reading from?

2011 RXT X 260

So your instrument cluster indicates 184, but you Can Doo Pro is showing a coolant temp of 76?

The coolant temp signal comes from the coolant temp sensor (CTS).

Yea ... that has me confused as well. I suspect it is a problem with the instrument cluster. I would try disconnecting the electrical connector on the instrument cluster and then reconnecting it.
The temp on the lower left is water temp, not engine temp. The sensor is in the ibr coolant loop. Sometimes when the ibr fails they replace with the wrong ibr unit which doesn't have the water temp sensor and it will read that 184 all the time.
The only way to read the engine temp is through the menu system.
Really! They put a water temp sensing loop in the IBR without adding it to the schematic? That's not fair.