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Taking on water

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New Member
I have a 97 spx that is taking on water only when riding it out on the lake. I have let it sit in the lake for a period of time, and even let it idle and I have not seen any water coming in. But when I take it out for a ride, I get a decent amount of water in the bottom of the ski. Where should I be looking? I looked at all of the water cooling lines, and everything looks good. I am guessing it must have something to do with the water intake and related parts. This problem came on quickly too, it was fine for the first few rides and then started taking on water.

With the ski on the trailer start it and rev the engine some... Look around the exhaust system, the plugs in the castings tend to corrode and start to leak.. It could also bee the seal on the drive shaft...
Thanks, I should have mentioned that I ran it out of the water with the flush kit hooked up and had no water getting into the machine. I had it running for probably a good 10 minutes or more. I look into the drive shaft seal, is it hard to replace?
I checked the rubber boot on the outside of the ski that covers the VTS shaft and it is all destroyed. I know I was getting water into the VTS unit. I searched the forum for 'VTS boot' but didn't find anybody discussing the topic. So could this be my issue?
water coming in

Here is something else to try:
Look inside the pump in the back, there should be two siphon tubes
this could be the problem if the trim is down past the limit IE broken VTS.
There are two pickups just to the left/right of the drive shaft to the pump.
Just use some tape or tie-wraps to kink the lines then ride.
See if this helps.
This may not help, but I had a similar problem, everything ran great, but when I would ride on the lake I'd get water. finally, I took it out wuithout the seat on and watched while I rode. I instantly found that theI had seared bolts at teh joint between the exhaust manifold and teh tuned pipe. Water would come in only when the jet was pumping.
Like I said, may be no help to you...
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