Tach only works over 5000+ RPM '95 717


New Member
I've been chasing gremlins on this ski since I bought it. Engine is a new rebuild, just recently lost spark and ended up changing both the coil and the magneto. (really wish I did it when the engine was out of the ski rather then in) got spark back but now the tach does not work unless the rpm are over 5000 RPM. at high rpm it not only works but it appears to be accurate as well.

I'm having a gremlin where it seems to bog in the mid range and the only way to solve it is to bounce the pump out of the water and unload the machine and then it will cross over into the high rpm's. before you bounce it out of the water it feels like its hitting a rev limiter or maybe a miss? once it's at WOT it runs perfectly

I did some checking and it seems like the rectifier isn't working properly, the battery has the same voltage with it unplugged as well as it being plugged in running at a high idle.

Odds a bad rectifier is causing both or either of these issues? I'm planning to do a carb rebuild over the winter however I doubt it's a carb issue, it idles perfectly and runs out in the top end beautifully.
Sound like a bad rectifier, disconnect the red wire and see if the bog goes away. If not its fuel related.
Sound like a bad rectifier, disconnect the red wire and see if the bog goes away. If not it’s fuel related.
Knew enough to do that on the lake, made no difference. Guess it’s time to open up that carb kit that’s sitting on the shelf.

Any idea why the tach is doing what it’s doing?