Stopped in for a visit


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I haven't been around for quite awhile (addicted to playing online poker) but I dropped the skis in the water for the first time today so I felt obliged to log in. Both skis ran pretty good. To catch up: I have the boat up for sale to try a switch over to a pontoon (yep I've been talking about doing that for 2 years). The leaf blower went in the trash and bought a new one. And Tony, yep, that chainsaw is still laying on my workbench in the garage with 3 years of dust on it, so it will probably end up in the trash someday too. :facepalm:

Well that pretty much covers the last 6 months of my life. Oh, almost forgot, Lou - Sis says HI. So, what's up with you guys. Tony, did you ever sell the Polaris and XP and get a Spark?
I was wondering about you.

Yep... the Ski's both got sold very early this spring, but I'm still looking for a Spark. I thought I would have found a used one for a good price... but nothing has popped up yet. I have a feeling that I will have to wait until the weather starts to get cold again. But that's fine with me. That's when the prices get good... because people don't want to store them.

I have the boat out of wraps... but then it kind of got cold around here. Then... I had to go to Memphis, and the weather got nice. But, I'm packing to come home right now... and I'll get it in the water again this week.
I was concerned too. Thinking worst case that you could not get anyone to go fetch a fresh keg out of the creek, went to do it yourself and fell in.

As long as you are giving status updates, how goes the power washer?

You aren't actually getting rid of mechanical devices? Only 3 years on the workbench for the chainsaw; that barely gives enough time to seriously ponder the situation.

My bro....Jake, where have you been? Ma and Pa have been worried sick, and Sis has a baby, she says it's yours! Have you found work?

I was concerned too. Thinking worst case that you could not get anyone to go fetch a fresh keg out of the creek, went to do it yourself and fell in.

As long as you are giving status updates, how goes the power washer?

You aren't actually getting rid of mechanical devices? Only 3 years on the workbench for the chainsaw; that barely gives enough time to seriously ponder the situation.


You're right Rod, only 3 years on the bench is nothing, I ain't even lost most of the parts yet. Power Washer has been good since Shawn sent me the new pump :thumbsup:
You're right Rod, only 3 years on the bench is nothing, I ain't even lost most of the parts yet. Power Washer has been good since Shawn sent me the new pump :thumbsup:

PS Rod, ever since I put a winch in the trunk of the honda I use that to haul the kegs up from the creek. It don't work for crap for launching the boat but great for fetchin kegs!
My bro....Jake, where have you been? Ma and Pa have been worried sick, and Sis has a baby, she says it's yours! Have you found work?


Brother Lou,

Didn't Sheridan tell ya. Ever since you two got to feudin again she's been letting me stay at her place to lay low from the revenuers. Sis's baby could be mine, she was staying with Sheridan too and ya know Sheridan only got the one bed so things git confusing in the dark. I still ain't sure what happened that one night that cuzin Cleetis stayed over.

I been working some, Timmy got me a job as a greeter over at the Walmart. I get to see just the strangest folk coming in there. Just today, this little skinny girl, maybe only about 200 pounds soaking wet come in there and would ya believe she didn't have not a single tattoo.
Brother Lou,

Didn't Sheridan tell ya. Ever since you two got to feudin again she's been letting me stay at her place to lay low from the revenuers. Sis's baby could be mine, she was staying with Sheridan too and ya know Sheridan only got the one bed so things git confusing in the dark. I still ain't sure what happened that one night that cuzin Cleetis stayed over.

I been working some, Timmy got me a job as a greeter over at the Walmart. I get to see just the strangest folk coming in there. Just today, this little skinny girl, maybe only about 200 pounds soaking wet come in there and would ya believe she didn't have not a single tattoo.

Oh, and tell ma that if Uncle Bernie gets elected president he says I can finish the 5th grade fer free. I know that will make ma proud,
Ya promised me you would not discuss Sis and the baby.

Very happy to hear about the mechanics of getting the keg, I guess we are getting too old to carry them up alone or charm someone to do it.

Take care.

Jake, you is gettin uppity. A 3rd. grade education is plenty good for the rest of the family, you remember how happy Ma was when you got your 3rd grade deploma. You remember old man Carl, well he ain't gettin any older, he done passed last fall. Steve the can man ain't here no more, he done went to the big city to seek him fortune, he said uncle bernie would take care of him.

Jake, you is gettin uppity. A 3rd. grade education is plenty good for the rest of the family, you remember how happy Ma was when you got your 3rd grade deploma. You remember old man Carl, well he ain't gettin any older, he done passed last fall. Steve the can man ain't here no more, he done went to the big city to seek him fortune, he said uncle bernie would take care of him.


WOW, you don't mean KustomKarl do you? That would be sad. I didn't think he was that old. Is the SDB still hanging out with ole Wallstreet?