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Stereo addition for 1995 speedster?

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New Member
I'm a new jet boat owner and not very knowledgeable about electronics or mechanics. I want to put a stereo and speakers in my 1995 speedster but need some help.

I am looking at putting in a basic system with 2 or 4 speakers.

First- Do I need to change out the 2 batteries for one heavy duty marine one? I'd prefer not to have to do that modification but I want to be able to stop the boat and do some fishing w/ some music and not worry to much about not being able to start the boat back up.

Second- Not being too savvy, where do I run the the radio power wires too to hook them up? A battery, the fuse/electronics box? Do I need some sort of adapter or switch to hook the power too?

Third- Any recommendations for the stereo and speaker locations (4" or 6") and component recommendations.

Pictures or a "worded" walk through (especially for the stereo wire hook-up) would be great. I've looked through quite a few posts in the modify section and everyone seems to be way more experienced and knowledgeable than I am. Feeling stupid and almost to the point of just wanting to bring a portable boom box on board.

Thanks for any help.
If you look in the boat mod section... there is lot's of info there... but...

1) thats up to you. If you want to be safe, then put in a big battery.

2) If you aren't going to run an amp... then there is an open "switched" power plug behind the dash. It was for adding gauges, but it will power a basic radio.

3) see my opening statement.

Good luck :cheers:
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