Steering System

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New Member
I have two 2004 LTD supercharged that I love, but after pulling off the cover I found that on both the steering was very hard to turn, used seadoo lube on the pistons in badk and with a-lot of turning of the steering I was able to get it working ok. Is there a way to lub the cables in the handlebar area without taking apart the whole thing, I run 80% of my time in salt water ( long ocean trips ) this is the first year that I have seen this any suggestions ??.:confused:
To my knowledge the cables are sealed so as not to allow any water to enter them. I don't believe that you can lube the inside of the cable. What i would suggest is to spray PB Blaster on the ends of the cables and work it inside. This stuff is a great penetrating spray that will go to the places the salt water went and help lubricate as it really penetrates to most areas other lubes won't. I hope this helps you.

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