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Stator Question

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tons of problems with the pickups, they can test out ok and still be bad. stators are ok but also fail more than they should imo.
well i was having a bunch of problems with my ski not getting spark and then it does then it doesnt. I'm almost to the point of just getting a new one!
WTS new oem stator and pickup fits 96 787

Let me know if you want the new setup. I have one I have not even picked up yet. Will do so today or romorrow. It is new oem stator with pickup. Ordered last week as i thought I would also replace all of mine. Turns out it did not come in Friday as planned, but the pickup only i ordered from ebay did so i installed that and am running good again.
Pm response sent with lots of information to test...better hurry weekends approaching fast.

Weekend Memorial Day

well i think i might just have to limp through this weekend i think it's more of a lanyard problem than a stator, if i get spark i'll be out on the my jetski... If i cant get spark i'll have to drive my friends doo eather way i'll be crusin on a seadoo....
Pull the mag off and look at the pickup. could be loose. You can also inspect the stator while in there. when you have spark is it running? when running do you have good voltage to battery. I think you should have like 13.6.? If not you could have bad stator

i understand you can test the stator while cranking the motor to see if it has like 36 volts coming out of it. This is way better than the ohm test and not in the book, so i heard. I think it is the yellow/green out of mag to + red meter lead and then a good ground for the black - meter lead.
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