Went out on my 98 challenger (twin 787) the other night and it ran great. went for a good 10 mile trip. On the way back one engine cut down to about 4500 rpms like it sucked something up. i backed them both to about 4000 and put them back up and it ran great for a minute then did it again, i did the same proceedure and we ran another 4 miles back to the launch and when i was slowing to go into the canal there was 2 loud clunks and the engine went down. From there when i hit the starter and it just clicks. The other one turns on and off just fine. i took the plugs out and i can move the pistons up and down so the engine is fine (just redid the top end of this one). Did the starter break while i was slowing down? not sure how this would happen. Any info would be great!